
Empowerment Central

Welcome, welcome, welcome!  Thank you for joining me for this exciting adventure to solidify the expansion of your awareness and solidify your empowerment!

This is your central hub for:

  • dates and time for the class calls (all calls are at 8pm Eastern Time – check the World Clock for your time)
  • links for the zoom calls
  • pdf of the Empowerment Journal pages and direct link for purchase at Amazon
  • bonus meditations, masterclasses and more – bonuses are added with each call – however there are already two powerful bonuses at the bottom of the page!

If you have questions, please email me at kate@katelarge.com

Class Info & Recordings

MARK — YOUR — CALENDAR and watch your email!!

You will receive reminder emails for the calls:
60 minutes before each class on Thursday

Plus… you’ll receive an email letting you know when the class recordings have been added here.

Thursday Call Dates – Date:  August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3,10, 17

  7pm ET – check the world time clock for your time

Join Zoom Meeting Link – the link is the same for all calls
Meeting ID: 827 8191 7826
Passcode: 405541

Call #1 – August 1

Click here to download Call #1 – 1:28:18 mins

Call #2 – August 8

Click here to download Call #2 – 50:39 mins

Click here to download the Heal the Body with Jesus meditation – 30 mins

Call #3 – August 15

Click here to download Call #3 – 1:34:58 mins

Call #4 – August 22

Private session with Gayle

Call #5 – August 29

Click here to download Call #5 – 1:16:11 mins

Call #6 – September 5

Click here to download Call #6 – 59:00 mins

Click here to download the Cleanse and Clear Away Fear in Your Safe Space meditation – 20:40 mins

Call #7 – September 12

Recorded call will be posted here.

Call #8 – September 19

Recorded call will be posted here.

Call #9 – September 26

Recorded call will be posted here.

Call #10 – October 3

Recorded call will be posted here.

Call #11 – October 10

Recorded call will be posted here.

Call #12 – October 17

Recorded call will be posted here.

Call #1 – May 2

Click here to download Call #1 – 1:31:12 mins

Click here to download the Infuse LOVE Chakra Energy Centers – 31:05 mins

Click here to download the Infuse LOVE Chaktra Energy Centers + 30 minutes integration music – 54:33 mins

Call #2 – May 9

Click here to download call #2 – 1:01:45 mins

Click here for Youtube Reflexologist – Helen Chin Lui

Call #3 – May 16

Click here to download Call #3 – 1:26:30 mins

Click here to download the May Manifesting Meditation – 26:58 mins

Click here to download the Bless/Infuse Chakra/Energy Centers with LOVE – 31:02 mins

Click here to download the Bless/Infuse Chakra/Energy Centers with LOVE + additional music to integrate LOVE vibration – 54:33 mins

Follow Energy Breadcrumbs to Re-write Neural Pathways of Belief

Click here to download the recording – 19:23 mins

Grounding Mat:  Earth & Moon

Uncomfortable Dreams:  Ask your Angels before sleep to please help me to only remember the parts of my dreams that benefit me during my waking hours.

Call #4 – May 23

Click here to download Call #4 – 1:06:41 mins

Click here to download the May Manifesting Meditation – 26:58 mins

Call #5 – May 30

Click here to download Call #5 – 58:40 mins

Click here to download the Forgiveness to LOVE Meditation – 19:40 mins

Call #6 – June 6

Click here to download Call #6 – 1:33:04 mins

Click here for Dr. Joe only – 12:58 mins

This is the Energy image Dr. Joe created.

Call #7 – June 13

Click here to download Call #7 – 1:08:55 mins

Click here for Infuse Day Life with LOVE + Acceptance – 18:01 mins
Click here for Infuse LOVE/Bless Chakra Energy Centers – 32:33 mins
Click here for Infuse LOVE/Bless Chakra Energy Centers + music – 59:40 mins
Click here for meditation music onlky #1 – 59:50 mins

Original music – click here for Infuse Day Life with LOVE + Acceptance – 17:01 mins

Original music – click here for Infuse LOVE/Bless Energy Centers – 31:02 mins
Original music – click here for Infuse LOVE/Bless Energy Centers + music – 54:33 mins
Click here – meditation music only #2 – 54:33 mins

Call #8 – June 20

Click here to download Call #8 – 2:11:50 mins

Call #9 – June 27

Click here to download call #9 – 1:39:21 mins

Call #10 – July 11

Click here to download call #10 – 1:32:15 mins

Call #11 – July 18

Click here to download call #11 – 1:20:45 mins

Call #12 – July 25

Click here to downlaod call #12 – 1:25:44

Click here to download the Quiet Your Mind REPEAT recording – 59:50 mins

Empowerment Journal

The daily journal pages of the  Empowerment Journal are the perfect guide to show you where you’re using your power and where you aren’t.  The Daily Journal pages and Weekly Progress Gameboards walk you step-by-step through setting your new foundation of Love energy.  If you’re using the paperback from Amazon, it includes blank note pages to document your experience with the program so everything is together – you won’t need a separate notebook.

You may order the paperback playbook from Amazon OR you may download the PDF file to all your devices.  The PDF file includes the daily journal pages and gameboards: Commitment, Weekly Progress and Gratitude Manifesting.  You have permission to print copies of the pdf for your personal use.

There are 3 ways to use the journal pages and gameboards:

#1 – Download the PDF to your devices, then document in a Spiral Notebook/journal – no need to print out.

#2 – Download the PDF of the playbook and PRINT Out the pages, hole punch and keep in a 3-ring-binder.

Click here to download the PDF for #1 & #2.

#3 – Click here to order the Empowerment Journal from Amazon in the US:
13 digit ISBN:978-0982606179


Quiet Your Mind Exercise – shared with permission of the Chopra Center

Quiet your mind to meditate or just get clarity of thought and jump-start your day!

Click here for the full info – 4:19 mins

Click here for the exercise ONLY – 2:38

Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space

This powerful guided journey delivers you to your safe space where a magical waterfall clears away negativity and fear and replaces it with healing, love energy. When you leave your “Safe Space” you will be rejuvenated and empowered with the super powers of strength, stamina and quiet self-confidence.

Click here to download.  20:40 mins — This is my FAVORITE!  xoxo Kate