
THIS is how you put out internal fires:


Empowerment Journaling


Improve your life when you demystify, manage & focus your power.




Internal fires you’ll learn how to put out:





Being a Victim




Feeling Powerless




Survival Mode




How we got here …

I. Needed. Help.

Yeah … the teacher was struggling (I live in a human body, too).  I was healing years of narcissistic abuse (there’s really no other way to say it).  I needed support to manage my internal power/energy and heal in order to create a new life for myself – otherwise I was going to stay stuck in the pain of the past and my health was deteriorating.

I had a chest full of support tools that were over-the-top supportive and made my life So-Much-Easier – when I remembered to use them – duh…

When I used these support tools, life would begin to improve and I was able to feel my strength and stamina getting stronger, but then there would be a narcissistic interlude  and my empowerment … would waiver – I was still navigating my freedom from the relationship.

My problem: my world was spiraling out of control and I was struggling to navigate the chaos that Was – My – Life
~ the narcissistic interludes that f***** with my head – sorry sometimes you just have to say it how it is … but if you object to that word, let’s go with: scrambled my thinking
~ standing silently in the park, hearing the words and feeling the waves of anger that lit the last metaphorical fuse – watching my life implode – knowing there would be no recovery this time
~ accepting that the life I thought I had for over 20 years with my plus-one never really existed
~ overcoming the anxiety that perpetuated survival mode – to – finally – feel – SAFE
~ sustaining LOVE and gratitude as my state of BE-ing – even though nothing outside of me had changed and there was no resolution in sight
~ releasing the need to feel like a failure and a fraud – I teach this for goodness sake! 

I asked my angels for help and they said to journal.  I pointed out I had filled an entire notebook with 3 words ~ I-am-safe ~ written thousands of times.  They said no… not a brain dump or affirming journaling.  They were talking about guided journaling that was infused with their LOVE energy.

“Oh … well … that’s different, then.”

In short order, we joined together and created the daily journaling pages included in the Empowerment Journal — and we infused them with the magic of LOVE, empowerment, strength and stamina.

The ladies of the Manifesting with Florence …the inner circle membership used the journal pages, tested them and we tweaked them to be better and better and better.

And now …

The Journal Pages. Are. Magical.

The guided journaling is a timeless resource that supports me and all the other journalers every day to improve our lives and this experience will support you, too!

You’ll learn a very special set of skills as you’re guided to use empowering support tools daily – skills and tools that open the way for you to not only write a new chapter of your life, but a new book in the series of your life’s journey – empowered with strength and stamina from a state of poise, grace and peace.

When you write in the journal pages ~ daily ~ following the guided prompts Life. Improves.

As you write:

  • you’re introduced to the power within you and you learn where/when you’re using that power and where/when you are NOT – giving you the opportunity to not only course correct, but heal the experience setting yourself free from that UNempowered path that’s been your groove
  • you’ll shift your energy to the empowerment of gratitude as your new powerful State of BE-ing
  • you remember to use the ONE support tool that changes EVERYTHING – and it’s probably not what you think it is…
  • your awareness grows and like the phoenix, you rise from the ashes of your despair to improve your life – supporting you to sustain the empowered strength and stamina building within you
  • you learn to focus your energy – releasing and healing negative thought patterns and beliefs that have been sabotaging you for years – setting you free from the past
  • you discover your personal action-steps to become who you truly wish to be – living the life you truly wish to live – the Possibilities Become Possible
  • you’ll learn why you don’t feel safe and be intuitively guided to take the action-steps to Feel Safe
  • you’ll create contracts with the universe – and the universe … responds
  • you become the New You – living Your New Life – empowered with strength and stamina … and … the resources you need to improve your life … miraculously appear

Life. Changes.

Did you know … that when you hand write in a journal … magic begins to happen?
Yeah … it does …
You gain better brain function – memory – cognition – creativity

… and … best of all …

you gain more accurate life guidance from your superconscious/higher-self!

~~ PLUS ~~

When you incorporate a Super-Charged action-step I share with you in the workshop

~~~ drum roll ~~~

you create a contract with the universe

and the universe


Learn how to put out your internal fires

.. join me for the ..

Empowerment Journaling Workshop

During this workshop we’ll dive deeply into each section of the journaling pages, sharing with you how each guided section supports you to:

  • shift your energy to the empowerment of gratitude
  • accept what your life IS and accept your Power to improve it
  • set your intention for using your power – why, how and when
  • USE your power to consciously create a higher outcome in all areas of your life
  • open the way to work with your angelic team to get the insight you need to move forward with confidence
  • manifest what you want or better
  • feel safe
  • ingrain using the one action-step that changes everything
  • increase and expand your awareness to BE present
  • understand the revelation of where you are and are NOT using your power
  • improve your awareness
  • heal/forgive pain of the past
  • firmly set your intention through the power within you – and FEEL it
  • make important, life changing commitments to yourself and fulfill them
  • release your need to know ‘how’ something will happen
  • release your need to worry – shifting your energy to the higher vibration of LOVE
  • broadcast out to the universe what you really want – and be receptive when the universe –responds

Included in the Workshop

Empowerment Journaling Workshop

Kate dives deep into how and why each segment of the Empowerment Journal supports you and guides you to develop a new empowered “Skill-Set.”  When this new “Skill-Set” is implemented consistently, you master the power within you.  As a result your life improves from the inside out.  The guided journaling supports you to create and sustain your new life – almost like magic.

Empowerment Journal PDF

PDF of the Empowerment Journal pages infused with LOVE energy – Kate will go over each page and section diving deep into why the section is important and how it will support you to improve your life. (If you prefer to use the paperback copy, it is available through Amazon at $5 off the bar code price.)


  • Meditations super charged with LOVE energy
  • Dream Hack
  • Diamond Steel Force Field Shield
  • Meet Your Worry Angel – full program & meditation
  • Chaos Flush Energy System
  • Quiet Your Mind technique – shared with permission of the Chopra Center

Are you ready to put in the effort and apply yourself to reap the rewards your heart knows is possible?

So … you may be thinking … I don’t have time to write in a journal – and how is writing down what’s already not working going to help me?

It’s possible to fill in both the morning and evening daily journal pages in 5 minutes each — and when you’re short on time, 5 minutes keeps your momentum flowing. This journal isn’t about brain dumping about what’s not working – it’s about consciously choosing what you really want.

You’ll discover when you fully immerse yourself into the writing for as little as 5 minutes …

… your body, mind, spirit begins to crave the engagement …


Because you become more aware of your energy – and you feel the power within you to consciously choose how you want to feel and what you want your life experience to feel and look like.

When you immerse yourself into the writing, your intention locks in, your power is activated, and your contract with the universe is signed – the strength and stamina within you begins to get stronger and you begin to FEEL that empowerment vibration flowing throughout your body and you take control and manage your life force energy with empowerment journaling that holds you accountable in a beautiful, loving, supportive way – no judgment, no berating – only LOVE.

Your empowerment feels so good … your empowerment grows stronger … time bends and reallocates … and all the time you need to dive deeper into the mastery of creating your fulfilled, happy life through journaling is made magically manifest.

You change within and your life experiences reflect that change — and your life improves.  You can’t deny it because it’s in your face – your empowerment is changing your life – and your daily journaling is supporting you to become more powerful every day.

As you become more empowered, your perception of “journaling time” becomes a non-negotiable part of your day.

You could take the journal pages and start writing in them without this workshop and you’d probably do okay, but with the deep dive insight of the workshop, you’ll understand WHY and HOW each segment supports you.  That understanding will take you to a new level of empowerment that … simply put … is amazingly phenomenally magical … and jump starts reallocation of your time.

Other users are in agreement:

I have been on this journey for many years and one of the best tools I’ve run across that has improved my practice and accelerated my growth is Kate’s Empowerment Journal. It’s a daily journal with prompts to help you realize and live the life you are dreaming of.

I have been doing the Empowerment Journal daily for months now, and have seen shifts in my ability to become more aware in the moment and decide how I want to feel instead of letting the situation and my reactions to it take me on an emotional roller coaster.

It has also helped me become more intentional with my days, energy and emotions, how I want to feel in each moment, as well as given me more peace in areas I’m struggling with like getting laid off from work.

These are huge for me and Kate’s Empowerment Journal has been the key! I cannot thank Kate enough for all her amazing tools, insights and her huge heart, but most of all for the gift of this journal and the magic that is weaved into it’s prompts and guidance.

If you are someone who struggles to keep their emotions in check or just wants to become more aware, intentional and present in love energy more often, I can’t recommend Kate’s work and the Empowerment Journal enough!

~ Rachel C.

Reserve YOUR Seat!

Empowerment Journaling Workshop

Date: Saturday, September 28, 2024
Time:  Noon ET
Duration: 2.5 – 3 hours
LIVE Zoom Call
** call will be recorded

If you’re hesitating to join the workshop because you don’t want to be on camera – no worries – a working camera is not necessary.  Join us!

FYI – while I’m presenting the workshop, we turn off all video cameras and microphones and I share my screen.  It’s necessary to turn off the cameras because I get motion sick when people move around plus I’m easily distracted.  As a result I’ve learned it’s best to turn the camera’s off to stay focused – and healthy — questions may be asked when the presentation of the workshop is complete.

Option 1 – Workshop ONLY

$75 – Workshop + All the Bonuses
$47 Early Bird Special – expires 9/27 @ midnight ET

Option 2 – Workshop + 30 minute private session with Kate

$150 – Workshop + All Bonuses + 30 Minutes with Kate
$125 Early Bird Special –
expires 9/27 @ midnight ET

Private session with Kate is all about YOU.  Thirty minutes of uninterrupted time to discuss whatever you need support with – and get it.

Note – The paperback copy of the Empowerment Journal is NOT included in the workshop because it is not necessary – you will have the PDF of all the journal pages.  However, if you prefer to use the paperback version of the Empowerment Journal, you may order it from Amazon at $5 off the bar code price for a limited time.