MasterClasses & Meditations by Kate


These short but powerful meditations are designed to support you to feel safe, empower you, and shift your energy to create the highest possible outcome no matter what’s going on around you.

Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space
Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space
Feel Safe during the chaos of the pandemic. This powerful guided journey delivers you to your safe space where a magical waterfall clears away negativity and fear and replaces it with healing, love energy. When you leave your "Safe Space" you will be rejuvenated and empowered with the super powers of strength, stamina and quiet self-confidence.
Price: $8.00

Clear Your Chakras with the Healers of the Light
Clear Your Chakras with the Healers of the Light
The Healers of the Light gently join you to clear away trauma and fear debris from your Chakras.
Price: $8.00

Cleanse & Clear
Cleanse & Clear
Cleanse and clear physical world fear from your mind, body and spirit under the angelic waterfall.
Price: $8.00

Forgiveness Meditation
Forgiveness Meditation
Give the gift of Forgiveness to yourself to heal “unforgiveness blocks”.
Price: $8.00

The Power of Gratitude
The Power of Gratitude
You will be guided to embrace what you’re grateful for and shift to a state of bliss and love. As the vibration of Gratitude, you become a magnet for all that makes your heart sing.
Price: $8.00

Healing Circle of Love Meditation
Healing Circle of Love Meditation
Transform fear energy to the higher vibration of love to heal relationships and life situations. When you shift within, your external reality shifts too. This works for EVERYTHING!
Price: $8.00

Access Your Higher Self Meditation
Access Your Higher Self Meditation
You will be effortlessly guided to open the door to connect with the wisdom of your higher self and those of the angelic realm.
Price: $8.00

Love Meditation
Love Meditation
Invigorate and energize your mind, body and spirit as you shift fully into the higher vibration of love energy.
Price: $8.00

Love to Self Meditation
Love to Self Meditation
Kate and the angels gently guide you to send love to yourself to heal all aspects of you, including your inner child.
Price: $8.00

Heal Mother Earth with Love
Heal Mother Earth with Love
Kate gently guides you to hold the space for healing with the Earth Angels. In gratitude, you will receive a gift from Mother Earth.
Price: $8.00

Claim Your Power
Claim Your Power
Claim your Power through the love energy within you and open the way to receive all that is yours from your Field of Potentiality.
Price: $8.00

Shift to Love Meditation
Shift to Love Meditation
No matter what your life looks like right now, you will be gently guided to shift your energy to love. This method works with everything – relationships and life situations.
Price: $8.00

Worthiness Meditation
Worthiness Meditation
Breathe easily into a state of worthiness in love and light to draw to you all that makes your heart sing with joy.
Price: $8.00


Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness

Become an Affirmation Rock Star when you learn the power of affirmations with Dr. Anne Marie Evers and Kate.


Disconnect the Cords

Get step-by-step guidance to identify, face, disconnect and heal energy that is connected to you.


Give the Gift of Forgiveness

Forgiveness does not condone behavior – it’s the gift we give ourselves. This program guides you to build a safe place to forgive in all directions of time.


Master Loving Relationships

Relationships aren’t about other people – they’re about us. Get step-by-step guidance to master relationships from family to work and everything in between.


Heaven on Earth

Love is the most powerful, magnetic force in the universe and is what creates our heaven on earth. Get step-by-step guidance to shift your energy to love.


Create Love

Learn the one simple thing you can do in this moment to create more love in your life – now!


Field of Potentiality

Get the details on what your Field of Potentiality is and what you need to do bring it into your reality.


Create Miracles

Get the scoop on how to manage love energy to create miracles of your highest good.


Energy Breadcrumbs to Rewrite Neural Pathways

Resistance Energy opens the way to follow the energy breadcrumbs to rewrite neural pathways of belief that block you.


Communicate with Your Angels

Do you want to receive and understand your angels’ messages, but there seems to be a short somewhere in your circuitry because you feel like you just can’t quite get there? Now you can!


Moon Magic

Learn how to work with the power of the moon phases. Rinse and repeat each month for exciting, fun, miraculous results!


Mercury Retrograde

When the planet Mercury is in Retrograde (at least 3 times each year) it’s possible to Peek into Your Future and see what is possible for you.


Please excuse our construction! 

The following MasterClasses will be active soon! 

5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels

Relax fully into angel love energy in these 30 minutes sessions and take that love with you throughout your day.

Grief Support

Recorded webinars delivered by Kate and the angels to support you as you manage and heal grief.

I’m so grateful! Everything in my life is working out for my highest and best good & I’m excited to learn what happens next!