Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness
(full program with Dr. Anne Marie Evers & Kate Large)

Get the nitty gritty on Affirmations!

“Affirmations are energy containers.”
~ Kate Large

“When used properly, affirmations ALWAYS work!”
~ Dr. Anne Marie Evers

In this exciting program, Dr. Anne Marie Evers and Kate share the power and inner workings of Affirmations.  You’ll get the 5 “Ws” of affirmations and learn how to access the higher vibration energy of Affirmation Power to attract the desires of your heart like a magnet!

Dr. Evers has been using affirmations for over 60 years and she’s a true testament that “When used properly, affirmations ALWAYS work!”  She is the author of Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness

Dr. Anne Marie Evers, the Affirmation Doctor
Dr. Anne Marie is a member of the Canadian Guidance and Counseling Association, is certified in Child Psychology 212, Therapeutic Touch and Personal Development, Best Selling Author, Ordained Minister and Doctor of Divinity. She was awarded Honorary Doctor of Philosophy by Moffett University for her lifetime achievements and dedication in uplifting, educating and empowering people worldwide. Her significant contribution to the world of self-realization, psychology and personal development optimize the human spirit of service and speak to the oneness and potential for good available in all people.

This program includes:

  • Recording of LIVE Webinar
  • Webinar Handout – PDF
  • Magic Magnetic Circle – PDF
  • Master Affirmation Contract – PDF

Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness
Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness
Price: $47.00