Angelic Communication

Do you want to receive and understand the messages
your angels have for you, but there seems to be a
short somewhere in your circuitry
because you feel like you just can’t quite get there?

The physical world teaches us that we’re separate, alone, and limited in what we can be, do and have — which leads us to spend years bouncing around, feeling alone, and stuck.

…but the fact is…

You were born with the ability to communicate with the angelic realm of angels, guides, teachers, light beings and deceased loved ones.

For instance…  I knew my angels were real and that they could help me, but I struggled to “connect” with them. I tried meditating, but fell asleep. Years ago I took my family to an angel workshop and watched quietly with a heavy, desperate heart as my husband and daughter (who didn’t want to go) wrote out messages from their angels while I sat there, pen poised above the paper and got nothing. I read about how I needed to be a vegan to communicate with my angels and my heart sank – because a vegan diet simply does not work for me!

Then I learned the key to opening my heart to communicating with my angels and it was SIMPLE! I learned how to distinguish between “them” (the angels) and my own mind chatter and guess what?

You can too!

To fully assist you with connecting and communicating with your angels, I’ve combined my Communicating with Your Angels self-study and a recording of my Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels LIVE webinar.

Scroll down and

get started today communicating and understanding the messages your angels have for you.

Communicate with Your Angels
Communicate with Your Angels
Price: $97.00


Communicating with Your Angels self-study + Handout:

1. Communicating with Your Angels Introduction – Get the foundation you need to make communicating with your angels easier and open your heart to the infinite possibility that is you!  Learn how to recognize the energy of your angels and distinguish between your mind chatter their whispers – plus how you best receive their voice.
2. Stepping into Your Connection – Connect the human physical world and the angelic realm by accessing the essence of who you are – One with God. You’ll be guided to set your intention to communicate with your angels and learn the name of the angels who are with you in the moment.
3. Angel Writing – You’ll learn how to shift your energy to the higher vibration of love, meet Archangel Michael and embrace his energy, then receive a message from the angels.
4. Angel Journaling – Here you’ll be guided to open the door to working with your angels through journaling to heal life situations and relationships.
5. Fully Supported – Learn how to ask your angels to “show” you what you need to know and anchor from this moment forward your eternal connection.

Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels LIVE Workshop Recording + Handout:

6. LIVE Experiential Webinar – here you’ll access the self-study as a LIVE webinar with listener participation

In this exciting, experiential combination you’ll learn:

  • how to recognize the energy of your angels and distinguish between your mind chatter and the whispers of your angels
  • how you receive your messages: seeing, hearing, knowing or in combination
  • how to ask questions to heal the wounds of your heart and heal life situations and relationships
  • how to let go of the need to be in “control” in order to really “be in control!”