Moon Cycle Blueprint for Prosperity

The movement of the sun, our moon and other planets in our cosmos affect the magnetic ebb and flow of energy on Mother Earth. These waves of energy affect our human bodies as well as Mother Earth – and both strive to align to this ascended energy.

When we struggle against this energy, life explodes in chaos with challenges. When we flow in tandem with this energy, we create miraculous experiences of prosperity.

This Moon Cycle Blueprint for Prosperity guides you step by step to access the powerful flow of New Moon and Full Moon energy and is a delivered as a PDF document.  It includes workbook type sections for you to anchor your manifesting energy.

Moon Cycle Blueprint for Prosperity
Moon Cycle Blueprint for Prosperity
Price: $9.99

Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal…

Your Pathway to Miracles

This is a recording of a live program – 50 minutes

During this extraordinary program, the angels and I share with you why now, more than ever, it’s simple and easy to walk a pathway to miracles. You’ll learn how to flow with the Full Moon energy and learn how to use this energy to access Miracle Consciousness.

You’ll understand why:

  • you no longer have to DIG through pain of the past to live a miraculous life
  • you feel stuck —and— why ‘feeling stuck’ is a good thing
  • you experience the “need” within you to hold on to limiting beliefs about your abilities
  • the dynamics of ‘human struggle’ gets in the way of your ‘angelic flow’
  • you allow societal teachings to control and dictate the experiences of your life

In a beautiful, safe container of angelic love, we’ll flow with the Full Moon energy — fully supported by the Angelic Realm and Mother Earth to learn how to use revelations that in the past made us feel uncomfortable.

Together we’ll work with the angels to reveal your pathway
to the miracles that are your birthright to experience.

When you participate in this powerful program, you will:

  • access Miracle Consciousness
  • learn what do to when resistance blocks you and use ‘feeling stuck’ energy to propel you into the realm of miracles
  • learn how to process through the ‘human struggle’ and shift to ‘angelic flow’
  • fearlessly take the reigns of your own life to experience your pathway of miracles

PLUS… you’ll know HOW to play with the angels to flow in ease and grace with Full Moon energy every time there is a Full Moon!

Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles
Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles
Price: $27.00

Angels & New Moon Energy Reveal…

Access to Your Prosperity Portal

This is a recording of a LIVE program — 68 minutes

The angels and I will show you how to access your portal of prosperity to propel you forward with the flow of the new moon’s energy!

You’ll understand why you’re experiencing a full range of emotional hills and valleys, such as feeling:

  •  an urgency within that you can’t put your finger on
  • joyful unexpectedly
  • a sense of chaos or uncertainty for no apparent reason
  • weighted – then a release of the heaviness
  • as if you’re in a fog and need a nap
  • extreme clarity, energized and full of creative ideas

We’ll flow with the New Moon Energy – fully supported by the Angelic Realm and Mother Earth to understand and integrate this new paradigm of living – instead of struggling against it!

Together we’ll work with the angels to access your portal to prosperity in all areas of your life.

When you participate in this extraordinary program, you will:

  • access the magic of the earth’s new paradigm of living to work with it in ease and grace instead of constantly struggling
  • open your prosperity portal and access your limitless supply of Creation Energy
  • play with the angels and begin molding energy into form
  • receive a magical tool to maintain the energized, miraculous state of angelic “play”

PLUS… you’ll know HOW to play with the angels with New Moon energy every time there is a New Moon!

Angels & New Moon Energy Reveal:  Access to Your Prosperity Portal
Angels & New Moon Energy Reveal: Access to Your Prosperity Portal
Price: $27.00