Hi, I’m Kate.
Welcome to my safe space for healing.
Sooooo… who am I and why would you want to work with me?
Who I am — full transparency… in a nut shell…I’m a fellow human who overcame fear and stepped to the plate to fulfill why I incarnated this lifetime – to serve others and to ultimately serve myself – to BE the LOVE vibration. Every. Day.
Why you want to work with me — because I’ve learned how to hold the safe space for you to access and use the power within you to overcome fear programming and create the life that brings you joy – your fulfilled square of life.
I’m a metaphysical teacher. Per Webster “metaphysics is abstract philosophical studies: a study of what is outside objective experience” — of course it is.
It’s necessary to remember… just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
As a metaphysical teacher, I teach about energy in general and specifically, yours. I teach how to recognize the energy of beliefs that blocks the true love essence of who you are – how to recognize fear energy and to overcome it, transforming it to LOVE — Love BEing the most powerful magnetic force in the universe…
I teach you how to turn on your light and dissipate the darkness that has been shrouding your journey, opening the way for you to manifest and live your happy fulfilled square of life.
I’m a three time Amazon Best-Selling author of Waiting in the Other Room, The Game of Life Workbook, and The Game of Life Manifesting Playbook.
I’ve become the leading authority of the teachings of Florence Scovel Shinn, the metaphysical teacher who wrote and self-published, The Game of Life and How to Play It, a hundred years ago when no publisher of the time would. Florence taught her students to embrace and USE the power within them to fulfill their square of life – health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression when the world was at war, the US experienced the Great Depression and working with energy was NOT mainstream. She and her teachings are the best-kept-secret of the 20th century.
I bring her simple, transformative teachings into the 21st century – combining them with our “gotta have it now world” of instantaneous technology – to improve people’s lives.
Over the past 20+ years, I’ve supported thousands of people across the soils and waters of Mother Earth to do just that — improve their lives. I’ve taught them to metaphysically fish to feed their soul Every. Day. when they put forth the effort.
Prior to meeting Florence’s spiritual essence, and becoming a metaphysical teacher, I made living in a constant, intense vibration of fear an art form. I was a narcissist magnet – and that never ends well… I worried constantly, perfecting the ability to create more experiences to worry about over and over and over again. Trauma – Drama – Queen – that was me.
I was drowning in fear, yet never physically dying – although I did think about it. There was many a moment that if the angels had come to get me, I would have beat them to the door. They didn’t. So I’m still here.
When I was so far down the only way to go was UP, I met a woman who went to her bookcase and asked her angels, what could she give me that would help me? The Game of Life and How to Play It fell off the bookshelf and hit the floor.
I opened the little red book, thinking… “how the heck is a book going to help me?”
Then the magic happened.
I began to feel something within me that I’d never felt before… empowerment.
My life immediately began to improve – blessing followed blessing… then adversity would show up and I’d get caught up in the shit-show that my life used to be and was again – then I’d get a grip on my power – again – that energy within me that never really snuffed out no matter how deeply the muck of despair had sucked me in…
I’d ask for help – and help would arrive.
I’d pop to the surface, take a deep breath, pull myself out of the muck, make note of the support and tools that had helped me and keep going.
I began writing Soul Kisses – spiritual energy affirmations of loving support. I’ve emailed over 4,000 soul kisses to my community in over a 90 countries throughout the world.
Through the years I’ve learned this: No matter who you are, no matter what you have or have not done, or where you live, you DESERVE to BE Happy. You deserve to live a life of joy and love – its your birthright to experience magnificent health, wealth, love, perfect self-expression and everything in between. And you have the power within you to make it so.
Working with my angelic team and the spiritual essence of Florence (there’s always a twist, right?), I support my students through classes, masterminds, books, meditations and much more. I use the written word and energy of my voice to create a safe, sacred space for you to embrace and use the power within you to live YOUR Happy Life.
Pain and suffering is optional. We have free will to change our mind, to shift the fear energy within us to the LOVE vibration and manifest the life our heart longs for – the life our heart knows is possible…
If I can do this… YOU. Can. Do. It. Too.
Is my life rainbows and unicorns? Nope. I’m like everyone else – I’m an onion with layers of pain and fear to uncover and transform to love – but I have a plethora of support tools that magically work when I use them. Fear pops up, but I recognize it and put a screeching halt to it’s progress. Pain of the past is revealed, but I recognize it for the golden opportunity that it is to heal what’s been buried so I can be free of it. Life changes when I don’t want it to, but I trust that even though I may not like what I’m seeing initially, that ultimately my highest and best good – the joy that makes my heart sing… will manifest as my reality.
Be sure to register for the free Sunday Soul Kiss. Read through my services and digital products – purchas a self-study class, get on the wait list for a mastermind or schedule a private session with me. Together, we’ll create your safe, sacred space for healing in all directions of time. I’ll open the way for you to learn how to metaphysically fish and feed your soul to manifest and live your happy square of life.
I’m so grateful! Everything in my life is working out for my highest and best good & I’m excited to learn what happens next!