The truth is…

The Secret Door to Success holds magic within it’s pages!

Harnessing and implementing that magic can be challenging when you’re trying to do it by yourself.

Have you walked through your door and are achieving your success?


Are you still standing in front of the door, unsure as to how to open it, much less know how to utilize what you’ll discover behind your secret door to success?

THIS is your lucky day.

I have a solution to your problem!

Below is your opportunity to take Florence’s teachings to a new level of mastery and

implement the “A-ha’s” into your daily life – building a new foundation for success.

It’s time to engage with and manage the power within you to create and live your happy, fulfilled square of life.

Join me for the exciting, life changing, Secret Door To Success Masterclass and together we will:

  • dive deep into the energy of each chapter
  • bring Florence’s practical teachings into the 21st century and
  • learn how to implement simple action steps to consistently empower and support you.

Hi, I’m Kate – I’m presenting the life-changing Secret Door to Success Masterclass, beginning June 20th, and this is your invitation to join me!

Who am I?  I’m the leading authority on the teachings of Florence Scovel Shinn.  I’ve been bringing her metaphysical insight into today’s fast paced twenty-first century for over two decades to support thousands of students and clients through LIVE and self-study classes, programs, webinars, masterminds, books, workbooks, memberships and Facebook groups.

I work with my angelic team that includes Florence’s spiritual energy.

I’m the Amazon Best-Selling author of The Game of Life Workbook, Waiting in the Other Room, and The Game of Life Manifesting Playbook – the founder of The Manifesting with Florence …the Inner Circle Membership, The Game of Life Mastery Program, The Game of Life Mastermind, The Secret Door to Success Mastermind, and the Game of Life Masterclass.

You and I know that reading Florence’s books shifts our energy to profound empowerment – it’s Life-Changing!  Every time we open one of her books, the magic happens!

We LOVE Florence, but her terminology is outdated for today’s world, making implementation of the energy we’re feeling a challenge.  It’s as if there’s a short in our circuit-board!

I have to tell you… creating and holding the safe space for participants to dive deeply into Florence’s teachings is a magical experience for Every-One – even me.  I keep each class simple and direct, plus I’m delighted to answer your questions and support you to fulfill your happy square of life.

This class includes content and bonus tools to support you to improve your life – plus a pdf file of the powerful Game of Life Manifesting Playbook to support you DAILY! (you may purchase a paperback copy from Amazon if you wish or use the downloadable pdf file.)

I would LOVE to welcome you to the masterclass and support you to powerfully improve your life!

Register today before the doors close!

The class for each chapter opens a new door that will:

  • unpack Florence’s insight and example stories into today’s world to understand them at a deeper level
  • give you step-by-step insight as to how the power within you works and how to course correct where needed for miraculous results
  • learn action steps to apply Florence’s concepts with simple practical application for today’s world
  • hold the safe space for you to shift into the full knowing that you are truly limitless
  • guide you and support you with time tested simple support tools to significantly improve your life in miraculous ways
  • provide Q&A time on the LIVE call – if questions come up later – and they always do – not to worry – post them in the exclusive private Facebook community for masterclass participants only – and receive answers and loving support!

You’ll have the opportunity to download The Secret Door to Success audio, pdf and recordings of the LIVE calls to all – your – devices.

Masterclass Details

  • 15-20 minute Meet -n- Greet at the beginning of the first class call on June 13th @ 4pm EASTERN Time (1st call 90 minutes)
  • 10 weekly calls – class content 45 minutes + Q&A
  • Date: Tuesdays June 20, 27, July 4, 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22
  • Time: 4:00pm ET – check the world time clock for your time zone
  • Call recording will be available within 48 hours after the call completes
  • Recordings are downloadable to your devices
  • PRIVATE Masterclass Facebook Community – invitations issued prior to first class
  • PRIVATE Masterclass Central webpage – immediate access
  • B-O-N-U-S!  Recordings of each chapter of The Secret Door to Success and a PDF are available for you to download to All-Your-Devices.  You’ll be able to listen or read Florence’s words anytime you wish – no matter where you are!

PLUS  MORE  BONUSES!  FYI – When I have a class, worksheet, meditation – could be ANYTHING -that  I feel will benefit you, I give it to you! — relevant bonuses are added as class calls complete.

Bonus — 9 meditations (value – $64 when purchased separately)

  1. Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space
  2. Forgiveness meditation
  3. Love meditation
  4. Love to Self meditation
  5. Prosperity Vibration meditation
  6. Shift Your Energy to Love meditation
  7. Tap into Your Higher Self meditation
  8. Worthiness meditation

Bonus — Masterclasses & Webinars (value – $428 when purchased separately)

  1. Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness with Kate & Dr. Anne Marie Evers, the Affirmation Dr.
  2. Disconnect the Cords to Heal the Wounds of Your Heart
  3. Give the Gift of Forgiveness
  4. How to Communicate with Your Angels
  5. How to Follow the Breadcrumbs of Energy to Re-Write Neural Pathways of Belief/Subconscious Records
  6. Master Loving Relationships
  7. Meet Your Money Angel
  8. Meet Your Worry Angel + Guided Meditation

More Bonuses 

  1. PDF download of the Game of Life Manifesting Playbook!
  2. Resistance Energy – game of life module
  3. Infuse/Send Love Energy to Create a Higher Outcome – game of life module
  4. Quiet Your Mind exercise shared with permission of the Chopra Center

Note:  Working with your angelic team and Florence’s spiritual essence IS a part of this program.

When we come together as one for a program/event based on Florence’s books,

between the participants, angelic teams and Florence’s loving, supportive energy,

each call becomes miraculously magical for Every-One!  ~ Kate Large

I would LOVE to welcome you to this masterclass, get to know you and support you to apply Florence’s wisdom into your every day life.  I’m excited to celebrate your “aha” moments that sometimes literally change your world!

Join me and the other participants as we dive deep into each chapter of The Secret Door To Success and learn what to do to improve your life no matter what is going on around you!

When you join this masterclass, your front row seat is reserved to:

  • get 21st century clarity surrounding Florence’s magical teachings and apply what you’ve learned to begin improving your life immediately
  • get your ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions answered with step-by-step insight and guidance
  • understand what to do to manage and focus the power within you to up-level your state of manifesting mastery
  • download the recordings of the calls – audio and PDF of The Secret Door to Success to All-Your-Devices and access Florence’s wisdom anytime, no matter where you are
  • download a pdf copy of The Game of Life Manifesting Playbook to continue using in perpetuity to support you Every Day.

Scroll down and select which option is best for you and reserve your seat!

Doors are closed.

This is the first Secret Door to Success Masterclass.

However, you may learn what students experience working with Kate below:

August 2, 2022 – Kat’s experience with the Game of Life Masterclass:

Not sure I can make the live webinar today, but I wanted to share my personal experience in the Game of Life Masterclass with Kate.

You can read books by Florence and feel relief and have an a-ha moment or 20, but until you actually APPLY the principles and allow them to become part of your daily practice–so much so that they become automatic — it’s just another book you’ve read that was enlightening but easy to forget the moment you put it down and slip back into your default routine.

Kate brings Florence’s words alive and teaches you how to apply these principles in a practical way each day.

And therein lies the magic.

This is what we all want to experience, how to live the way that Florence describes.

This has happened for me personally these past few months being in the GOL Masterclass with Kate.

I wake up thinking about how I want my day to go. I know exactly how to focus my attention by writing in my Game of Life Manifesting Playbook.

I remember to breathe deeply, use something amazing called a “chaos flush,” and have a go-to routine of infusing my day and people with love. The result is a transformative process I experience DAILY.

Not only that, it’s good to be able to have like-minded others as well as an experienced guide with whom to deeply discuss all of these concepts.

I have moved mountains of energy since I started the Game of Life Masterclass!

Kate will help you to know HOW to apply the principles from The Game of Life and How to Play It. Not only that, she’s a great down-to-earth teacher who takes time with her students, shares her personal experience, and is available to help you all the time.

I have been through one of the most stressful times of my life this past year, and if I had not had FSS and this class with Kate, I know I would be experiencing a very different reality right now and it wouldn’t be pretty!!

If you are just considering joining in on the fun, I’d RUN to register for her next class lol. ❤

The participants LOVED the Game of Life Mastery Program – and it’s the closest program to this masterclass.  Watch the slideshow below to learn of their experiences working with me in a program based on Florence’s teachings:

“Kate took me from where I was in my spiritual journey to a new level. She put my spiritual growth on steroids, through her kind and caring explanations to her guided meditations, to move me closer to my spiritual and life goals.”
~~ Dominikija P

“During a class module I was having trouble with my computer and couldn’t get on the call. When I read the transcript, I was thrilled to discover that the loving energy I receive on the calls was also very strong when I read the transcript!”
~~ Barbara C

“Kate has taken the timeless teachings of Florence Scovel Shinn and added tools to support your study. I can feel the healing energy of love in Kate’s voice and her guided meditations are amazing. Taking the Game of Life Mastery Program was one of the best decisions I made this year.”
~~Catherine Stevens

“Kate and The Game of Life Mastery program have truly changed my life. Many spiritual books say raise your energy to a higher vibration, but do not tell you how to do that. Kate gives you an abundance of tools and guided action-steps to accomplish this – and they work.”
~~ Amy G

“Kate is truly interested in participants succeeding. For me, being able to listen to the recordings of the calls again later allowed me to be fully in the moment during the LIVE calls. Throughout the weeks of the program, I peeled off layers of my personal onion and ‘got’ the concepts on a deeper level. The Game of Life Mastery Program has been more than I could have imagined!”
~~Heather B.

“I love the pure simplicity of The Game of Life and Kate’s deep dive into it through The Game of Life Mastery Program. I return again and again to her lessons and tools as life events arise and I find solutions! Each time I discover further insights that I didn’t see the first time. The program truly is masterful at teaching me to ‘retrain my brain’ out of a fear & scarcity mindset to that of trust & abundance – it’s life changing from the inside out!”
~~Dawn PA

“Kate, thank you for presenting the Game of Life Mastery Program. I’m so grateful for your love, support, and belief in me – and for holding the energy for me to be who I came here to be, to create what I want to create and have everything I want. I’m so appreciative and thankful!”
~~Pam F (Australia)

“Kate is not afraid to share her personal experiences, of her own spiritual journey, which creates a comfort in approaching her and asking the questions you might think are trivial; but find are not. You will find Kate is unselfish in pouring out her resources to support your spiritual journey and growth.”
~~Dominikija P

“When I read Florence’s book, it blew me away, I couldn’t put it down. I knew the concepts from my other work, but she had a way of expressing them simply, but powerfully. When Kate offered The Game of Life Mastery Program, I knew I had to take it. I didn’t know what to expect, but I got way, way more than I ever dreamed. God bless you.”
~~Mary Jo C

“The private Facebook group of the Game of Life Mastery Program is a tremendous support. Not only did others respond and support you, but Kate, herself, responded, answered questions and gave inspiration and warm, loving support.”
~~Amy G

“Twenty years of intense personal development and growth made significant positive changes in my life and yet, the Game of Life Mastery Program with Kate Large supported me to reach a whole new level.”
~~ Patti S

“The Game of Life Mastery Program helped me to shift out of old patterns, beliefs, attitudes, and habits that blocked me from living a full life. I was able to fully heal and release that old emotional energy through the gentle and loving acceptance of Kate, the other participants, and the guided action-steps she taught us. I feel much lighter – I’m peaceful and calm.”
~~Dawn PA

“Kate is an inspirational, motivational leader and effective teacher. I love the fact that she incorporates talking to your angels with a focus on God as the creator of all that is with the law of attraction principles. I’ve read about and tried everything she teaches about rewriting neural pathways, talking to your angels and raising your energy to a higher level. But until I joined her program, I could not do it. I made more progress with Kate and the Game of Life Mastery Program than in the previous 20+ years of effort combined!”
~~Amy Goguen

“My a-ha moment was recognizing the many different types of emotions under the umbrella of “fear.” I was able to shift with the tools Kate taught us to the love energy quite quickly. When I did this, I could see and feel the difference in my surroundings — empowered! I was able to recognize my fear and make a choice of HOW I want to feel, then shift it. Kate’s program took me to a different level of being.”
~~Camille Pukay

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I believe this expression epitomized my involvement with Kate. The Game of Life Mastery Program is rich with materials and concepts to support your spiritual growth and enlightenment. Kate, supports you to believe in your ability to attract the abundance that is your birthright through the radiance of her light and love. I’m now much more successful in attracting my vision of “heaven on earth.”
~~Sharon Sinclair