Angel Reading with Kate

Receive loving angelic wisdom and guidance with an Angel Reading with Kate

Your angels are with you in all moments, guiding you, whispering messages of comfort and love – and you’re “getting” those messages, but you may not recognize that the messages are coming from your Angelic Team – you may think it’s your own mind-chatter.

An Angel Reading with Kate provides:

  • validation of what the angels are telling you
  • guidance
  • experiential tools to help make your life easier
  • a miraculous energy shift of love
  • a peek into what’s possible for you
  • confirmation that you are not alone… you’re fully supported!

Messages from the angels are full of loving guidance
to support you in both your physical and spiritual life.

What to expect from a phone or zoom reading:
I will share with you all that the angels show me and tell me – typically the angels answer your questions before you ask me. However, you may ask the angels questions after they deliver their messages. Most messages are from your angels, but guides, archangels and sometimes deceased loved ones come in, but not always. This is not a mediumship reading.

Reserve UNINTERRUPTED time for your reading – TURN OFF other PHONES!

I’m no longer using a scheduling platform.  I typically schedule readings on Wednesday – Sunday.  Purchase your reading then email me with three dates/times that work for you along with which type of reading you prefer – phone or Zoom.  I will email you back with your scheduled date/time and zoom link if zoom is what you prefer.

NOTE:  Email Angel Readings are first come, first serve.

What to expect from a Mini Angel Love Reading:
I will connect with my angelic team and yours — then type up the loving support they show and tell me for you and email it to you as a PDF file.  This reading is an immersion into angel love and is a true keepsake!

What to expect from a FULL Email Reading:
I will ask the angels what they want you to know — then type up what they show me and tell me and email it to you as a PDF file.  Angels are a chatty group — the FULL Email Angel Reading can take up to an hour – or longer for me to document their messages.  They talk about thoughts and ideas that have been competing for attention in your mind chatter – sometimes the readings are extensive.

What to expect from a One Card Reading:
I shuffle Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards and share the message(s) I receive from the card that flies from the deck.  The message(s) are always founded in love and are extraordinary!  This is one of my favorite readings.

Need a Gift Certificate?
Give the gift that keeps on giving!  Whether for a beloved friend or family member or yourself – an angel reading opens the way to a closer connection and deeper trust in the voice, wisdom and guidance of your angelic team when they address your worries and acknowledge your dreams.  Purchase the Gift Certificate reading, then let me know who the reading is for and I’ll send you a beautiful Gift Certificate (PDF file).

 Hearing from your angels is like being wrapped in a warm, comforting blanket of love on a cold day

==>NOTE:  Payment Options include Venmo, Pay Later, Debit/Credit & PayPal<==

1 Card Reading $37
Valentine Special – $27

MINI Email Angel LOVE Reading $125

Valentine Special – $99

FULL Email Reading $199
Valentine Special – $175

30 Minute Reading $150
phone or zoom

50 Minute Reading $200
phone or zoom

GIFT Certificates for Private Angel Reading:

Gift Certificate Email Reading $199

Gift Certificate
30 Minute Reading $150
phone or zoom

Gift Certificate
50 Minute Reading $200
phone or zoom

Note: PayPal processes our payments, but you do NOT need a PayPal account to purchase.

I’m so grateful! Everything in my life is working out for my highest and best good & I’m excited to learn what happens next!