Sunday Soul Kiss

Did you know that you’re never alone – that you always – ALWAYS – have a group – a community if you will, of angels, guides and teachers of the angelic realm supporting you at all times!

It’s true.

If you looked in a magic mirror…

and could see the loving spiritual beings that are with you in the reflection…

The room would be full…

Yes…  Standing room only!

These beings of love and light, are the unseen forces working on your behalf to support you, guide you and work with you to manifest the desires of your heart – to fulfill your mission here on Mother Earth. They’re at your service.

The Sunday Soul Kiss is an affirmative reminder to ask for their help – a reminder to be open to their guidance and to hold faith and belief in the power within you to create the highest possible outcome as the reality of your life.

The Sunday Soul Kiss email will begin by setting your intention then guide you to ask for help and be shown the action steps to take AND include the Soul Kiss affirmation for the week.

So… set your intention, ask for help and get out of the way! It’s that simple!

Sunday Soul Kiss Example:

Soul Kiss Affirmation
I trust my angelic team to guide my action steps – both within and without. Together we manifest my highest and best good. I’m so excited to see what happens next!

Note: Know that when you set your intention to improve your life or create something new, a seeming adversity can pop up. This uncomfortable situation is NOT to discourage you, but to force you to look at the energy that has been blocking you from already being, doing or having what you want. Use your tools to follow those energy bread crumbs to face, heal and disconnect from that energy. If you need a human hand to help you, take a look at my services, classes and meditations in the menu above.