Vision Immersion Treatment Meditations
Take your manifesting skills to a new level of mastery with these 10 – 20 minute life changing meditations
Managing and focusing your manifesting power is NOT a One-and-Done thing.
Saying an affirmation once in a while won’t improve your life to the degree you’re longing for.
Fine Tuning Full Immersion into managing and focusing your energy to a high vibration of LOVE energy is what Improves Your Life.
The vision immersion treatment/meditations are structured to be short and powerful.
And. They. Are.
When you immerse yourself in the meditation at least twice per day – in the morning and in the evening you will FEEL the energy within you shifting – and you will begin to see that shift in your external reality.
When you immerse yourself into the meditation twice in a row – all the better. You’ll find the second time even more powerful than the first.
The Vision Immersion Treatment/Meditations guide you to:
~ transform and fine tune your internal frequency to an empowered vibration of LOVE energy – the more deeply you immerse yourself into the energy of the treatment/meditation … the stronger, more intense and powerful your vibration becomes
~ open the energetic portal to manifest what you want – becoming the Gratitude State of BE-ing — gratitude being the ultimate state of receivership
~ immerse yourself in the vision of what you want – seeing, BE-ing, thinking and feeling beyond 3D — fully immersed in the joy of HAVING what you want in the emotions of your body through your mind’s eye
~ powerfully broadcast your LOVE energy out to the universe making you a magnet for the same LOVE energy to be mirrored back to you
~ create a blueprint of your manifestation complete with the spark of your thoughts and the intense emotions of your feelings
~ bring the high vibrating energy back with you into your conscious walking state
The more you repeat immersing yourself into the LOVE vibration of the meditation throughout your day and bring that energy back with you to your conscious/wakened state – feeling it throughout your body, the more powerful your manifesting skills become.
Before you begin the meditation:
- breathe deeply and fully exhale a few times before you begin the meditation to give you better clarity of thought and prepare your body
- focus for a moment or two on something you’re grateful for – immerse yourself in the feelings of gratitude to expand your energy out of anxiety – and loosen the bands of survival mode if you’re locked in it and don’t know it
- set your intention to release the need to hold onto anxiety, despair, lack, anger, resentment – any fear energy
Quiet Your Mind
Each meditation begins with the quiet your mind technique I leaned from Deepak Chopra and is used with permission of the Chopra Center. Each portion of the technique addresses a specific area of the brain, quieting your rampant thoughts – bringing your heart and mind into better harmony for a stronger connection with the divinity within and your superconscious/higher-self.
Commit to:
- listen to your chosen meditation at least twice each day
- take the LOVE vibration you achieved during the meditation with you throughout your day
- be-ing, thinking and feeling beyond 3D
Listening to the meditation before you get out of bed in the morning – when you’re still in that semi twilight sleep is phenomenal. Listening to the meditation before or as you fall asleep is powerful as well. Make upon waking and before sleep listening in addition to immersing yourself in the meditation during the day.
Each meditation is mixed with the same music. There’s a reason for this. The more you listen to the same music, the more programmed your body becomes. Once you’ve listened to the music several times, simply hearing the music will begin your body’s shift into the higher vibration energy.
Scroll down and register so you can begin using
your power at a new level of understanding DURING the workshop!
This will require effort on your part, but when you implement what you learn, the way will be open for you to:
* neutralize the internal battle of wanting something more and not having it
* understand, accept and USE your power to improve your life
* consciously choose who you want to be and what you want to experience consistently
* stop the brain waves of confusion and chaos and achieve clarity of thought
* recognize when worry, anxiety, stress and overwhelm try to take over your consciousness and stop that fear energy
* recognize and overcome survival mode and learn what to do to stop it from ever taking over your life again
* shift from your head space, to your heart space with strength, stamina and grace becoming a New You – creating and living your New Life…
We’ll experience two beautiful meditations that guide you to shift your energy and infuse love to create a higher outcome — and you’ll get to ask questions before we complete.
Plus… there will be a drawing at the completion of the workshop for a 30 minute session with me.
Will join me?
Scroll down and reserve your seat for this life empowering workshop!
ps – when you register for this workshop, you begin to move energy to improve your life – be gentle with yourself and set your intention to flow in ease and grace with this energy – opening the way for your highest and best good to reach you now!